Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Reading Challenge

Okay, so no posts in a while, but I have been writing and reading... a lot.

I have this challenge for myself, to read or listen to a short story every day. I try to do this even if I am also enjoying a novel, but if 45 minutes or a chapter is all I can do, I count that as a victory.

Today I read the story Red Card by SL Gilbow from the February F&SF. Just a little behind... It was an interesting read, though I wish there was just a bit more background about why the Red Card program was started and what the purpose was, really. But the story was well written with little details that forshadowed later details. Love that stuff.

Yesterday's story was The Sundial Brigade on Escape Pod (www.escapepod.org). That was an excellent story with a very anti-authoritarian theme. Not a happy story, but an interesting one nonetheless. I seem to like things with Italian settings and language, maybe I should learn Italian. Every week, Escape Pod provides an audio version of a short story and I almost always enjoy them, especially when they are challenging to the status quo, though I fear sometimes that Steve will drive away listeners. It keeps me coming back, though.

Anyway, I want to keep this blog up to date now and make an entry for the stories I read. My current subscriptions are F&SF, Realms of Fantasy and Baen's Universe.


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