Sunday, November 03, 2013

And so it begins... Nanowrimo 2013

a novel of friendship, blood, and carbon steel

I finished my outline on Thursday night. Here's the first half:

Moriko Arrives in NJ
Anna wakes Vance
Diana and the Roman Family
Vance and Anna arrive in New Jersey
Diana and her Mom
Moriko Registers for School?
Diana Overhears Tony and Vitto Fighting
Diana Stalks & Kills Vitto
Vance and Anna - A New Start at a New School
Moriko & Diana Meet
Moriko and her Father
Vance Snoops Around
Dians is Haunted
Tony Learns the Truth about Diana
Moriko on the Field
The BOOK, an unholy tome
Vance charms Moriko
Moriko walks into Vance's Trap
Diana Snoops Around Vance's House
Diana Rescues Moriko
Moriko and Diana Share Secrets
Diana - The Camping Trip
Meeting Nathanial, the Woodsman
The Wolf Revealed
Explosion of Violence, AJ to the Rescue
Aftermath of the Tragedy
The Hunters of Shadows
Moriko - The Evil that Men Do
Anna has Sympathetic Tokens

After that is spoilers. I think I have too much for 50k, but that's ok. 

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