Why not just write contemporary horror? I love Swords and Sorcery, that's why. I like China Mieville's statement:
I'm a genre writer and deeply proud of that. I love the tradition. And I can't sustain interest in writing unless it has a fantastic element.
And, while a professional attitude toward the market is important, I also feel kinship with this statement from Jim Melvin:
I've always been of the mindset -- for better or worse -- that you have to write from the heart and then let the chips fall where they may.
Some further recommendations from Peadar:
The Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton.
Also, since you have William Hope Hodgeson on your list, you should definitely read this amazing, amazing online novella set in his world, "The Night Land". No previous experience necessary!
Other writers to add to the reading list:
Steven Savile
Douglass Klegg?
Jim Melvin - The Death Wizard
Janrae Frank
I very much appreciate your mentioning my series and visiting my blog. I found your blog item to be fascinating. Horror and fantasy are an ideal match, at least in my opinion. Even LOTR contains many elements of horror, at least in terms of supernatural/monsters type horror. Please keep in touch and I'll do the same.
Thanks for mentioning me. *Does best Eeyore voice*
I have long held that horror and fantasy were a natural mix. All mythic traditions are rich in horrific elements.
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