Monday, November 19, 2007

Six-thousand words

Yesterday, I had a great writing day. There was little to do outside of preparing meals for my family and some minor chores so I got in three writing sessions, broken up by the aforementioned meals and some trips to the battlegrounds of WoW.

I was running behind, but by 9pm I had written 6000 words and put myself back on track to finish. Right now I need to write 2200 words a day, not counting two days off for WoW nights with my family. Not bad. If I have another day like yesterday during the coming Turkey Day weekend, I may even finish early.

The biggest issue right now, is that I really don't have any idea how to make the ending exciting. There were going to be some murders, but I like my angsty couple too much to get them killed. I know who all the players are and now it is pretty much down to the final battle, rescuing the unicorn and the village children. Who will live and who will die?

Time for a bloodbath.


adir1 said...

As a new reader, allow me to ask you which WoW realm(s) you play on?

Our family has characters on a bunch of them, though I mostly play on 2 only.


Unknown said...

Hi, adir1.


We play mainly on the Feathermoon server. It is an RP server and we are big D&D nuts so that seemed like a natural choice.

I have characters on a few other servers, but I don't recall the names off hand.

On Feathermoon, I ran a medium-size RP guild called the Order of the White Tower for about two years. Then we went Horde. The drama and admin just got to me after a while. So now our guild is pretty much just the family and a few online friends. We are Nightmare Menagerie and my main is a 68 Warrior named Bramachus.

When I was doing Nanowrimo I would spend most of Sunday writing. Every two thousand words I would take a break and go smash things in the battlegrounds. My family doesn't do so much of that, but I really enjoy it. And it's quicker than an instance.
