Friday, November 30, 2007


Last night at around 9:30, I finished Cauldron of Shadows. It is a very very very rough draft, or as I like to say, Draft Zero. PoV jumps around from character to character. Many of the events are out of order, and I have a vague perception that the continuity is ... not very continuous. At least I started a new paragraph when I jumped into another character's head, though most of the time I actually did a section break.

However, I feel that this one is better than the last one, as far as Zero Drafts go. I really want to get to the editing of my two nanonovels before next year, with the goal of understanding how I write and how I can improve my initial drafts. As I mentioned previously, the zero drafts are mainly narration in need of expanded description and detail. If I can produce a more polished, full manuscript, I can sort of reverse engineer it to get a better idea of how many phases I need and focus on better writing rather than just hitting the word count.

In the meantime.... Yay! I finished. Now I can totally goof off for the month of December. *happy dance*

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